Wrinkle Remover and Facial and Lip Enhancements


Wrinkle Remover and Facial and Lip Enhancements

At Tender Dental Care, we understand problems such as TMJ disorders and migraines have a serious impact on your day-to-day life. Our caring dentist and team offer wrinkle removal treatment to help treat these conditions so that you can eliminate pain and discomfort and once again enjoy a healthy lifestyle. In addition to a wrinkle remover, we may also recommend thread lifts, mini facelifts or dermal fillers to treat these conditions and help you improve your health and appearance. We invite you to call us at 810-715-3368 to learn more about how wrinkle removal in Burton, Michigan, can help you and schedule your consultation with Dr. Prabha Raju.

While commonly known as a cosmetic treatment, wrinkle removal can treat a number of other conditions. The wrinkle remover we use is a medication injected into various parts of the face to temporarily relieve symptoms, including pain. Some of the conditions that our dentist may recommend a wrinkle remover to treat include:

  • Chronic migraines
  • TMJ disorders
  • Bruxism (grinding and clenching of teeth)

A wrinkle remover is a temporary solution, working to block pain signals from the nerves to the muscles. It also “freezes” the muscles, preventing them from tensing, clenching or tightening in ways that would contribute to migraines, TMJ or bruxism. In some cases, this temporary freezing can break the habits formed in your muscle memory to reduce or eliminate the problem moving forward. Our dentist will work closely with you to find the best long-term solution for your needs.

The amount of wrinkle remover you will receive in your treatment depends on the severity of your condition and on your muscle mass. Injections are usually made around the jaw, neck or ears. As the procedure does not involve any surgery, incisions or stitches, it can be performed in just a few minutes, and you will be able to return to your regular activities after leaving our office.

Give us a call today for more information about wrinkle removal and facial and lip enhancements and make your appointment with our dentist.

1024 N. Genesee Road

Burton, MI 48509


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Mon - Thu: 9:00am - 5:00pm

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